Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Doctrine and Covenants Section 76

D&C 76 - These are my personal notes and insights taken while I read over this section.

As God now is, man once was, as God now is man may become.

76:13 We are commanded to write in spirit. Write out all your promptings and insights while you are reading the scriptures. Record it as soon as you receive the revelation. We also write so that our children may know who they can look to for their salvation.

What is Godly fear? The Hebrew and Greek lexicon on blueletterbible.org states that “fear” is having honour, reverence, respect, or to stand in awe.

Its said that we can’t have faith with fear, but fear can also be faith when it is fear of God. There is nothing else that we need to fear. Being afraid of anything else is wicked, because it doesn’t really matter. For example, being afraid of a spider, isn’t God more powerful than a spider?

We should invest our faith in things that will have increasing return, because it will be mre worthwhile in the end. When we have patience in our life the things we are waiting for become more gratifying and long lasting. For example with some crops, when you harvest early you may have instant gratification, but the crops that are harvested later in the season that you have to work harder and longer for have better long term rewards, and are more enduring.

Malachi 13:15-17 Those who serve the Lord shall be his. This life is the test, this life isn’t the reward! Don’t make a foolish investment and be like a foolish rich man who says “My 3 million dollars is worth more than all the treasures in heaven the Father has to offer me after this life!” Fail!!!

We are in the veil. We don’t remember all that we once knew. We have limited knowledge. So how much more careful do we need to be to make sure we are on the right track and don’t slip up?

The test is now! You cant invest more work after the harvest. The test isn’t over till our time is finished. We need to have a pure and clean heart.

1. Obey to the death
2. No work after the harvest
3. Pure and clean heart

Faith is a decision, it is up to us if we choose to do these 3 things.

In each one of us there is a white wolf, and a black wolf, fighting to win the territory of your spirit. Which one will win? The one you feed!

If you are not doing those things that he asked you, your house will crumble. If you follow him your house will not be shaken and you will stand through the winds and rains and all the hardships that come your way. Take things out f the realm of Satans ability to inflict them upon you. Adversity may come, but don’t give way to sin.

The stumbling block and stepping stone are one in the same. The difference is what you do with it.
Be valiant in your testimony. Having one doesn’t secure celestial glory. You need to strive to be there. Be doers of the word!
Bridle your passions, control your appetites, and rise above carnal and evil things.
Take the Lords side on every issue, be one with him as he is with the Father. Like the primary song, “do as I’m doing, follow, follow me! Do as I’m doing, follow, follow me!”
Be valiant in the testimony of Jesus!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Doctrine and Covenants

Hey everyone! Welcome to my D&C Blog.
This blog is dedicated to my Religion class at BYU Idaho for my midterm, because we are reaching out to have some scripture study with those who don't attend the school. I hope all of you will have fun reading along with me and hope that you can actively participate in reading and discussing!

Here is how this is going to be set up; I have taken portions of the syllabus given to me in class and posted it here so that you can follow along with my class structure so we can all study the same things at the same time. Weekly participation from everyone would be great, feel free to post your thoughts, feelings, or questions as often as you like!

OBJECTIVE: To come unto Christ by reading, studying and applying the teachings of the Doctrine and Covenants and those who are called and sustained to be our Prophets, Seers, and Revelators. This will require you to:

1. Read each of the Chapters in the Doctrine & Covenants and the chapters in the manual and ponder and pray about how their teachings apply to your life.

2. As the Spirit directs, apply the principles of discipleship that you discover in your readings.

REQUIRED TEXTS: You will need a complete set of scriptures, a copy of the Doctrine and Covenants can be found online here: http://scriptures.lds.org/dc/contents

Another useful resource to help your study is the Doctrine & Covenants Student Manual which you can access online at: http://www.ldsces.org/Institutes/Inst%20Institute%20Manuals.asp

A true disciple thirsts for the things of the Spirit.

  1. 1-June MID-TERM EXAM
  2. 4-June D&C 51,70,72,78,82,97,104
  3. 5-June D&C 57-59
  4. 8-June D&C 60-68
  5. 10-June D&C 76, 74, 137
  6. 12-June D&C 81, 83, 85, 90, 108; 86, 113
  7. 15-June D&C 84
  8. 17-June D&C 88
  9. 19-June D&C 89
  10. 22-June D&C 93
  11. 24-June D&C 98, 101, 134
  12. 26-June D&C 102
  13. 29-June D&C 103, 105
  14. 1-July D&C 107
  16. 6-July D&C 91, 111, 115, 118-120
  17. 8-July D&C 121-123, 127, 101
  18. 10-July D&C 131-132; Official Declaration #1
  19. 13-July D&C 135-136
  20. 15-July D&C 138
  21. 17-July FINAL EXAM

This will be the reading schedule for the rest of my semester, its not required that you read everything on the exact days along with me, but do read as much as you can at least once a week so that we can maintain some good discussions. I will be posting my own thoughts about the reading as we go along, as well as insights that are pointed out in my class to share with you about the reading.

Once again, thanks to everyone I've invited to participate in this with me! Hope to hear from you all soon!